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Celina Rydén Launches #NewtoLE Video Series on YouTube

Celina Rydén Launches #NewtoLE Video Series on YouTube

Talented LE Educator and successful Nail Influencer, Celina Rydén, launches a new video series on YouTube to help nail pros new to the nail industry or new to the Light Elegance brand understand gel products. 

In episode one, Celina shares her story of how she discovered LE and everything you need to know about LE as a company!

"Hello nail besties! Are you here because you are new to Light Elegance and don't know where to start? Or are a LE veteran but just want more LE content? Then this is the perfect video series for you!

In this #NewToLE series we'll go over everything from start to finish and in this video I'll let you know the story about how LE was created, how I got in contact with LE and all about the people about the brand and why there are SOOOO many products to choose from! Make sure to subscribe and click the notification bell so that you don't miss any of these #NewToLE videos!"
🥰🥰🥰 - Celina Ryd én

In episode two, Celina breaks down the entire LE product line like you have NEVER seen before! 

In part 2 of Celina Rydén's #NewtoLE video series, she is breaking down the ENTIRE LE product line from base coats, builders, top coats and more! Learn which LE products can be used together and get a better understanding of which products to use for which services.

Celina's #NewtoLE series continues on YouTube so be sure to subscribe so you never miss an upcoming episode! 

Are you looking for a little extra support and connection with the LEFamily? We have just the supportive group for you wether you’re new to LE or an LE pro!

Join the #NewtoLE Facebook Group today! 

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